so, today i join the world of blogging. i have been inspired as i have glimpsed into the lives of so many other ordinary people who are doing this thing called life with such elegance, faith, color and strength.
i have been personally moved by cora's story, as i always am when it comes to children and cancer. while i do not know this family and live many miles away, i can't help but imagine their anguish as they navigate this path that life has turned them down... as their daughter is in a fight for her innocent life. i hope that you will join me in praying for a miracle for this baby girl and her family.

i am so thankful to God for all that he has blessed me with.
a wonderful husband,
three beautiful and healthy children,
abundance beyond necessities,
stable employment,
and peaceful sleep at night.
Lord, please restore the innocent peace in cora's life.