is perfect. she was born on monday, october 26th at 3:46 p.m. we started with induction at 5:00 a.m. and it took several hours for my cervix to start to dialate. the doctor came and broke my water at about 11:30 a.m. and i was still only 2 centimeters dialated! i continued to rest through contractions for 2 more hours and at 1:30 p.m. they placed an epidural. after this, the contractions started to 3:00 p.m. i was 5 centimeters and then at 3:25 p.m. i was complete! the doctor came within 5 minutes and i pushed for about 15 minutes until she arrived. she had a "true knot" in her cord, so there was a moment of fear as the doctor worked quickly to get the cord cut and her breathing on her own. she came out a little blue, yet still scored 9 and 9 on her apgar tests. the shocker was seeing all of her dark hair! what a glorious sight, to see a baby that looked like she belonged to me. needless to say, i was exhausted. we spent one night in the hospital and headed home the next day to all the excitement at home as the children met their new baby sister.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Oops...we are so grateful!
so, after all these months i return to blogger to say that we did do it again and got pregnant with our fourth child...a baby girl that is due tomorrow! however, there is not much happening at this time, so it looks like i will make it to my scheduled induction on monday. the last 9 months have been exciting, tiring, relaxing at times (summer break), stressful most recently (at school) and finally as the day draws near...just a huge reminder of how blessed we are. we are so grateful for all that God has blessed us. may this blog be a way for us to praise Him and worship Him for all the amazing things he has done in our lives and others.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Oops I did it again...
can't seem to get that song out of my head lately after the big birthday bash at our house this past sunday. we had twelve of Bailee's friends over for her hannah montanna birthday party...complete with hannah montana guitar hero, twister, truth or dare and karoake! of course the only song they remotely were familiar with was "oops i did it again"! so that was the song of choice, although Bailee and i have been having fun with the karaoke mic ever since the party ended!
but, oops we did do it again. more on this in future postings...
but, oops we did do it again. more on this in future postings...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Birthday Bliss
happy birthday Bailee! oh to be 8 years old again. how exciting birthdays are when all you dream of is webkinz, high school musical 3, hannah montana and money (to save for the wii!). it is amazing to see how much she has grown up, not just physically, but wordly. she is such a compassionate and kind soul and seems to be wise beyond her eight years. her little sister really thinks the world of her and has been combing our house these past few weeks looking for treasures to wrap up to give Bailee for her birthday. she even gave her one of her own unopened Christmas gifts! sweet.
Lord, i am so thankful for the children that you have blessed me with. and i am so thankful that Bailee is celebrating another birthday. please help to remind me that everyday for them should feel like their birthday, for i know that they need to feel this special every day of their lives.
we love you Bailee!
Lord, i am so thankful for the children that you have blessed me with. and i am so thankful that Bailee is celebrating another birthday. please help to remind me that everyday for them should feel like their birthday, for i know that they need to feel this special every day of their lives.
we love you Bailee!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
well, it has been a sad week. my heart truly breaks for Cora's family and i have found myself crying at random times throughout the day as i think about what her mom and dad are feeling. i seem to be preoccupied with this and find myself checking their blog site often, just hoping for a small sign that they are surviving the most devastating event of their lives and that they are doing a "little" alright...if that is even possible. just looking for hope, as they seem so strong in their faith. they have truly been an inspiration to me.
while i go through the motions of my day, i am reminded of my many blessings. there are many challenges...teaching adolescents, my children, daily demands of life and household tasks, but i believe that something is changing inside me. not sure what exactly, but there is a small glimpse of peace that once was not there.
i pray that Cora's family will soon feel peace in their broken hearts.
while i go through the motions of my day, i am reminded of my many blessings. there are many challenges...teaching adolescents, my children, daily demands of life and household tasks, but i believe that something is changing inside me. not sure what exactly, but there is a small glimpse of peace that once was not there.
i pray that Cora's family will soon feel peace in their broken hearts.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I can only imagine...
Cora went to be with Jesus. please pray for her parents and her family as they navigate a new journey without their baby girl.
i can only imagine the pain they must be feeling.
i can only imagine the release of pain Cora is feeling in the arms of her Savior.
i can only imagine the tears that will be shed with the passing of this child.
i can only imagine the tears that Jesus has shed knowing that his child has suffered.
i can only imagine being torn between the devastation of losing a child and the celebration of her homecoming in heaven.
i can only imagine.
i can only imagine the pain they must be feeling.
i can only imagine the release of pain Cora is feeling in the arms of her Savior.
i can only imagine the tears that will be shed with the passing of this child.
i can only imagine the tears that Jesus has shed knowing that his child has suffered.
i can only imagine being torn between the devastation of losing a child and the celebration of her homecoming in heaven.
i can only imagine.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
is how i feel today. not only physically cold, but emotionally cold as we work through some challenges with our oldest daughter and her struggles in second grade. but then i think of Cora and i wonder why these smaller struggles seem to fill us with such disdain.
Bailee is a wonderful child. she is full of love, kindness, playfulness, curiosity, life and vigor. the first 3 years of school (including preschool) were comfortable. she was praised for her well behavior and her teachers all thought the world of her. academically she seemed to be right on target, actually above grade level. and then second grade came and she is struggling. as a teacher, myself, my heart breaks as i observe her defeated and frustrated with school and the tasks that she used to be so eager to explore. what a long, exhausting road to travel if we don't find a way to properly assist her with these challenges.
and then i feel guilty of thinking about long, challenging roads, as baby Cora struggles for her own little life. what a change in perspective. i should be thankful for my own daughter's challenges because they seem so minor in comparison to bigger world issues or even little world issues, like Cora's little world.
hooked up to so many machines
that are breathing life into her as her little body fights
to have a chance at the long, challenging road of life.
i pray for baby Cora's fight against this awful cancer and i pray that i would keep this wordly perspective. i am blessed by the struggles that God has placed in my path.
Bailee is a wonderful child. she is full of love, kindness, playfulness, curiosity, life and vigor. the first 3 years of school (including preschool) were comfortable. she was praised for her well behavior and her teachers all thought the world of her. academically she seemed to be right on target, actually above grade level. and then second grade came and she is struggling. as a teacher, myself, my heart breaks as i observe her defeated and frustrated with school and the tasks that she used to be so eager to explore. what a long, exhausting road to travel if we don't find a way to properly assist her with these challenges.
and then i feel guilty of thinking about long, challenging roads, as baby Cora struggles for her own little life. what a change in perspective. i should be thankful for my own daughter's challenges because they seem so minor in comparison to bigger world issues or even little world issues, like Cora's little world.
hooked up to so many machines
that are breathing life into her as her little body fights
to have a chance at the long, challenging road of life.
i pray for baby Cora's fight against this awful cancer and i pray that i would keep this wordly perspective. i am blessed by the struggles that God has placed in my path.
Friday, January 30, 2009
so, today i join the world of blogging. i have been inspired as i have glimpsed into the lives of so many other ordinary people who are doing this thing called life with such elegance, faith, color and strength.
i have been personally moved by cora's story, as i always am when it comes to children and cancer. while i do not know this family and live many miles away, i can't help but imagine their anguish as they navigate this path that life has turned them down... as their daughter is in a fight for her innocent life. i hope that you will join me in praying for a miracle for this baby girl and her family.

i am so thankful to God for all that he has blessed me with.
a wonderful husband,
three beautiful and healthy children,
abundance beyond necessities,
stable employment,
and peaceful sleep at night.
Lord, please restore the innocent peace in cora's life.
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